Quinta Essentia Healing Values

  • Unity in multiplicity; Our worldly experience is one of duality and separateness; you and me, us and them, man and woman, etc. A truth exists where there is only one; one people, one planet, one universe. In the idea of oneness, all are connected through an energy shared among all people and all things. Each action and each thought contribute to the experience of the whole.

  • The quintessential-self; Every person is important. Many forget their inherent worth. Believing their value comes from what they do or how they are perceived. Trapped by the expectations of the role they were born into rather than freely expressing the essence they came in with. At Quinta Essentia Healing, we support the inward journey of self-discovery and building the confidence to express your true essence. Your greatest contribution (and sense of fulfillment) is through the expression your intended purpose.

  • Body Wisdom; The body holds great wisdom. It communicates through perceptible sensations. Common locations for this sensory communication include the gut (gut feeling) and heart. All can access this extra-sensory perception.

  • The whole of our being; Although there is value to addressing a painful body region in isolation, our being is the sum of our parts. The inter-connectiveness of our body asks us to investigate the contributing links to the experience of our discomfort. For example, the activity of our abdomen influences our shoulders. The strength of our legs influences the function of our abdomen. Our bodies are not merely inter-connected physically. Our being is inter-connected physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Stress easily exemplifies this understanding as it can increase the level of discomfort felt in the back or neck. Sadness can be reflected in one’s posture. A person suffering from a bout of depression can be identified by their expressed affect. There are more subtle connections between the elements of being; namely, energetics.

  • Quanta energies; Our understanding of the universe is ever expanding. More and more we are learning how energy connects us to ourselves, to each other, and to all things. We have moved from the idea of matter being a solid state to that where matter is a state of space and energy. Meaning that everything we see is energy. Our sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and skin sensors) interpret the energies which they are designed to sense. Interestingly, our senses are not limited to our sensory organs. For example, one can see through their imagination.

    • Modern healers use different forms of energy as therapeutic interventions. Ultrasound and shock wave are forms of sound wave therapy. Thermal energy is used to relax muscles. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) uses electricity to activate muscles or to reduce pain.

    • Energy healers, however, use more subtle forms of energy. These energies may not be perceived by all. Cultures around the globe have named such life energies. In China, it’s called Chi. Reiki is the Japanese version. While Prana is the name given to life force energy in India

  • Safety; Safety is one of our highest priorities. Our healers practice with integrity and keep your safety and wellbeing in mind. Though most modalities employed at Quinta Essentia Healing are extremely safe, every effort is made to minimise the occurrence of possible adverse events. Individual consultations and treatments are conducted in confidence.

  • Support; Quinta Essentia Healing supports the inner knowing that is contained within your conscious or subconscious (unconscious) mind. We help you to access your inner healer by supporting your body, mind, heart, and soul. We support the release of resistances or blocks that disrupt your flow and sabotage the manifestation of your desired life. In essence, we support the return journey to your quintessential-self; where your personal power resides, enabling you to lead your intended life.

QEH body, mind, heart, and soul elements


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